BFREPA response to the Promar Farm Assurance Review

Published on : 21 Jan 2025

Gary Ford, Head of Strategy and Producer Engagement at BFREPA commented:

"BFREPA welcome the report's findings and the key recommendations.

"It is critically important that farmers are at the heart of assurance schemes and are actively involved in developing scheme standards - farmers must be seen as part of the scheme and not separate from it. Too often farmers feel that farm assurance standards are 'done to them' whereas they should feel that farm assurance is 'delivered with them'. This makes for a more robust set of standards that farmers buy into.

"We welcome that the report has highlighted farmer anxiety and stress associated with farm audits which chimes with feedback received from many BFREPA members. Whilst auditors have an important role and have to act within the constraints imposed on them, this cannot be right and this is an area that needs a real focus and priority from the assurance schemes. The challenge is to find a better way that farm audits can be delivered avoiding unnecessary duplication and bureaucracy.

"BFREPA recognise the positives that farm assurance has delivered for the sector and are very supportive of the Lion Code of Practice as it is critical to the industry’s future, delivering necessary assurances on food safety, quality and traceability to consumers. In addition, it has added value and delivered wider benefits for UK producers.

"We also believe that there is a role for the RSPCA in a higher welfare sector such as free range. It is however critically important for the future of the relationship with the RSPCA that the lessons identified in the report, as well as recent experiences, are taken on board and implemented starting with meaningful and proper farmer engagement in developing standards.

"We look forward to continuing to work with the BEIC and the RSPCA over the coming months to deliver the changes recommended in the report. With the right approach and positive attitude this can all be achieved."